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Etcd Provider

Træfik can be configured to use Etcd as a provider.

# Etcd Provider

# Enable Etcd Provider.

# Etcd server endpoint.
# Required
# Default: ""
endpoint = ""

# Enable watch Etcd changes.
# Optional
# Default: true
watch = true

# Prefix used for KV store.
# Optional
# Default: "/traefik"
prefix = "/traefik"

# Force to use API V3 (otherwise still use API V2)
# Deprecated
# Optional
# Default: false
useAPIV3 = true

# Override default configuration template.
# For advanced users :)
# Optional
# filename = "etcd.tmpl"

# Use etcd user/pass authentication.
# Optional
# username = foo
# password = bar

# Enable etcd TLS connection.
# Optional
#    [etcd.tls]
#    ca = "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
#    cert = "/etc/ssl/etcd.crt"
#    key = "/etc/ssl/etcd.key"
#    insecureSkipVerify = true

To enable constraints see provider-specific constraints section.

Please refer to the Key Value storage structure section to get documentation on Traefik KV structure.


The option useAPIV3 allows using Etcd API V3 only if it's set to true. This option is deprecated and API V2 won't be supported in the future.