Kubernetes Installation Reference

This page explains how to customize your Traefik Enterprise Edition (TraefikEE) installation.

The traefikeectl tool uses Helm under the hood to assist with installing TraefikEE.

Helm with traefikeectl
  • Supported versions: 2.9 to 2.14
  • If a supported version is found, traefikeectl will use your helm binary
  • If no helm installation is found, traefikeectl will download helm in a temporary folder
  • If an unsupported version of helm is found, traefikeectl will not be able to work properly. You will have to upgrade/downgrade your helm installation to be able to use it

As shown by the following command, a values.yaml file can be provided to customize the installation:

traefikeectl install \
  --licensekey="XXXXXXXXX" \
  --dashboard \
  --kubernetes \

The following table lists the configurable items of the TraefikEE chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.name Docker Image's name to use store/containous/traefikee
image.tag Docker Image's tag to use v1.3.5
image.pullPolicy Pull Policy for the Docker Images IfNotPresent
commons.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Graceful period in seconds to wait before forcing pod termination 10
commons.joinTokenSecretName Secret name to use for storing join tokens traefikee-tokens
logging.traefik Log level used for Traefik-related logs INFO
ports.http Port used for HTTP traffic at Service level 80
ports.https Port used for HTTPS traffic at Service level 443
ports.api Port used for internal API traffic 8080
ports.control Port used for internal control node communications 4242
replicas.bootstrap.total Number of instances used for bootstrapping the cluster 1
replicas.controlNode.total Number of Control Node instances 3
replicas.controlNode.allowedUnavailable Number of Control Node instances which could be unavailable at the same time. Should be ceil((N/2) -1) where N is replicas.controlNode.total 1
replicas.dataNode.total Number of Data Node instances run as Deployment. It uses a DaemonSet if not set. Not set by default
replicas.dataNode.allowedUnavailable Number of Data Node instances which could be unavailable at the same time. 1
licensekey License key to use for the cluster fakeLicense
resources.requests.memory Amount of memory to reserve for each node Not set by default
resources.requests.cpu Amount of CPU "unit" to reserve for each node Not set by default
resources.limits.memory Memory limit for each node: the scheduler kills a node when it reaches this limit Not set by default
resources.limits.cpu CPU share limit for each node: the scheduler kills a node when it reaches this limit Not set by default
storage.controlNode.type Which kind of storage to use for the Control Nodes data persistence. Can be emptyDir or defaultStorageClass Not set by default (Storage on node host outside Kubernetes management)
storage.controlNode.volume Volume of the persistent volume for each node when storage.controlNode.type has the value defaultStorageClass Not set by default
dashboard.type Enables the dashboard with the specified network access type. Can be ingress, service-loadbalancer or service-nodeport. ingress
dashboard.insecure Disables the automatically generated basic authentication for the dashboard. Not set by default
dashboard.secretName Provides a Kubernetes Secret to enable password based authentication for the dashboard. Not set by default
dashboard.host Specifies the external hostname when using an Ingress type for the dashboard. Not set by default
dashboard.path Specifies the URI path when using an Ingress type for the dashboard. Not set by default
ports.nodeports.http Configures external service as Nodeport service, instead of LoadBalancer, with http traffic on this port Not set by default
ports.nodeports.https Configures external service as Nodeport service, instead of LoadBalancer, with https traffic on this port Not set by default
proxy.http Specifies an http proxy to use when reaching for the internet Not set by default
proxy.https Specifies an https proxy to use for outgoing requests Not set by default
proxy.no_proxy Specifies the NO_PROXY environment variable Not set by default