teectl Command-Line Tool Reference

For the installation of the teectl command-line tool, please check the following page: Installing the teectl command-line tool.


Check below the list of commands, with their respective flags.

teectl    teectl is a controller for TraefikEE (Enterprise Edition).
Complete documentation is available at https://docs.containo.us.

Usage: teectl [command] [resource] [flags]

Use "teectl [command] --help" for help on any command.

    apply      Apply configuration to a cluster
    get        Get resources
    create     Create resources
    delete     Delete resources
    recover    Recovers a cluster that has lost quorum
    setup      Setup a cluster to manage

    support-dump    Gather data from the cluster to assist in support
    backup          Backs up the configuration of a running TraefikEE cluster
    restore         Restore a previously backed up cluster configuration
    version         Print version

    acme-certs, ac
    nodes, n
    tls-certs, tc
    static-config, s


The teectl command-line (CLI) provides the following commands:

Apply a Configuration (apply)

This command applies a static configuration to a cluster.


teectl apply --file="config.yaml"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--file  (Default: "")
    Path to the configuration file

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Get Resources (get)

Get ACME Certificates (get acme-certs)

This command gets the ACME certificates from the cluster.


teectl get acme-certs
teectl get ac


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--format  (Default: "text")
    The output format (json | yaml | toml | text)

--notrunc  (Default: "false")
    Do not truncate output

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Get Nodes (get nodes)

This command gets the nodes of the cluster.


teectl get nodes
teectl get n


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--details  (Default: "false")
    Print details about each node

--format  (Default: "text")
    The output format (json | yaml | toml | text)

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Get TLS Certificates (get tls-certs)

This command gets the TLS certificates from the cluster.


teectl get tls-certs
teectl get tc


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--format  (Default: "text")
    The output format (json | yaml | toml | text)

--notrunc  (Default: "false")
    Do not truncate output

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Get Static Configuration (get static-config)

This command gets the current static configuration from the cluster.


teectl get static-config
teectl get sc


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--format  (Default: "yaml")
    The output format (json | yaml | toml)

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Create a Resource (create)

Create TLS certificate (create tls-cert)

This command adds a TLS certificate to the cluster.


teectl create tls-cert --cert="mycert.crt" --key="mycert.key"
teectl create tc --cert="mycert.crt" --key="mycert.key" --isdefault


--cert  (Default: "")
    PEM-encoded certificate to be used

--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--isdefault  (Default: "false")
    Serve the given certificate when no other certificate matches the domain

--key  (Default: "")
    PEM-encoded certificate key to be used

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Delete a Resource (delete)

Delete a Node (delete node)

This command demotes and removes a node from the cluster.


teectl delete node --id="q01yagt5suwv2tooy8amm248k"
teectl delete n --id="q01yagt5suwv2tooy8amm248k"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--id  (Default: "")
    The ID of the node to delete

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Delete a TLS Certificate (delete tls-cert)

This command removes a TLS certificate from the cluster.


teectl delete tls-cert --id="s4eg90svby3aty5r6o9xkcpeh"
teectl delete tc --id="s4eg90svby3aty5r6o9xkcpeh"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--id  (Default: "")
    The ID of the certificate to delete

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Recover a Cluster (recover)

This command recovers a cluster that has lost quorum.


teectl recover


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Setup a Cluster Connection (setup)

This command creates a connection configuration file allowing the teectl tool to manage that cluster. It also generates a "bundle.zip" file containing the server side certificates needed for a secure connection between teectl and traefikee. The bundle can be used to generate (see setup gen) platform manifest files.


teectl setup --cluster="mycluster" --kubernetes


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    The cluster name to install under

--force  (Default: "false")
    Force the installation to proceed over a previous installation

--kubernetes  (Default: "false")
    Kubernetes configuration

--kubernetes.forwardedport  (Default: "55055")
    Local port to forward the API on

--kubernetes.kubeconfig  (Default: "")
    Path to the Kubernetes config file (usually located in $HOME/.kube/config)

--kubernetes.namespace  (Default: "traefikee")
    Kubernetes namespace to install TraefikEE in

--onpremise  (Default: "false")
    On-Premise configuration

--output  (Default: "./bundle.zip")
    The path to store the installation bundle

--swarm  (Default: "false")
    Swarm configuration

--swarm.hosts  (Default: "")
    A comma separated list of hosts/IPs to connect to the TraefikEE Controller API

--swarm.port  (Default: "55055")
    The port on which to connect to the TraefikEE Controller API on

Generate Platform Manifest Files (setup gen)

This command generates and outputs platform manifest files to the standard output.


# Generate Kubernetes manifest files
teectl setup gen --cluster="mycluster" --controllers=3 --proxies=2 --license="XXX"

# Generate Docker Swarm manifest files
teectl setup gen --cluster="mycluster" --controllers=3 --license="XXX"
teectl setup gen --cluster="mycluster" --proxies=2 --license="XXX"


--bundle  (Default: "./bundle.zip")
    The path to the cluster bundle

--cluster  (Default: "default")
    The cluster name to install under

--controllers  (Default: "0")
    The number of controllers to install

--license  (Default: "")
    License key to use

--log.filepath  (Default: "")
    Log file path. Stdout is used when omitted or empty.

--log.format  (Default: "")
    Log format: json | common

--log.level  (Default: "")
    Log level set to restrict logs to logs.

--proxies  (Default: "0")
    The number of proxies to install

--swarm.allowmanagers  (Default: "false")
    (UCP Only) allows installation on both managers and workers

--swarm.assetspath  (Default: "")
    Path where the UCP assets will be extracted

--swarm.nodes  (Default: "")
    A comma separated list of swarm node ids to install controllers onto. Auto
    detection attempted if empty

--swarm.ucpbundle  (Default: "")
    Set the path to the ucp-bundle

Support Dump (support-dump)

This command generates a dump file with information about the TrafikEE cluster.


teectl support-dump

# The option `--output` specifies the full path for the output file.
teectl support-dump --output=/tmp/dump.tar.gz

# The option `--cluster` specifies the cluster name.
teectl support-dump --cluster="mycluster"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--output  (Default: "traefikee-support-dump")
    Path of the archive to create

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Backup (backup)

This command backs up the configuration of a running cluster.


teectl backup

teectl backup --clustername="traefikee-cluster" --output="/tmp/traefikee.zip" --archivetype="zip"


--archivetype  (Default: "tar")
    Type of the archive to create

--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--output  (Default: "traefikee-backup")
    Path of the archive to create

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Restore (restore)

This command restores the configuration of a cluster from a backup.


teectl restore --backup="/tmp/traefikee.zip"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Show the Version (version)

This command shows the TraefikeEE version.


traefikee version