Traefik Enterprise Edition Installation Quick Start

Install the traefikeectl Command-Line Tool

The traefikeectl Command-Line tool (reads: "TraefikEE-Cuddle") helps with managing and configuring your TraefikEE installations.

To install traefikeectl, please follow the instructions on the page "Installing traefikeectl Command-Line Tool".

Install TraefikEE with traefikeectl

Install your TraefikEE cluster on Kubernetes or Docker Swarm with the following "one line" command:

traefikeectl install \
  --licensekey="XXXXXXXXX" \
  --dashboard \
# Take note of the dashboard's generated credentials
traefikeectl install \
  --licensekey="XXXXXXXXX" \
  --dashboard \

If you want to customize the default settings, please check the following guides:

On-Premise Installation

If you plan to install TraefikEE On-Premise (on VMs, bare-metal machines or unsupported platforms), you will not be able to use the previous "one line" command for installation. However, you will be able to perform other operations by using the traefikeectl connect command.

In that case, please follow the instructions on the page Installing Traefik Enterprise Edition On-Premise.

Step by step installation

If you plan to install TraefikEE in swarm and kubernetes but don't want to use traefikeectl, please follow the instructions of the step by step guide, either on docker swarm or kubernetes.

To verify that your TraefikEE installation is ready, use the following command to print the list of all deployed nodes from both the Control Plane and the Data Plane:

traefikeectl list-nodes
Name                                            Role
----                                            ----
traefikee-control-node-1                        CONTROL NODE (Current Leader)
data-node-traefikee-data-node-68d856488c-5vx5n  DATA NODE
data-node-traefikee-data-node-68d856488c-stgns  DATA NODE
traefikee-control-node-2                        CONTROL NODE
traefikee-control-node-0                        CONTROL NODE

Congratulations! Your TraefikEE cluster is ready.

Access the Dashboard

You can now access the TraefikEE Dashboard by using your web browser:

  • On Kubernetes: at the URL http://<public-hostname>, where <public-hostname> is the public hostname of the LoadBalancer Service for TraefikEE. Use the credentials that can be found in the output of the traefikeectl install command.
Retrieve public hostname on Kubernetes
# Value of the field "External IP"
kubectl get services --namespace=traefikee traefikee-data-svc
  • On Docker Swarm: at the URL http://<swarm-node-ip>:8080, where <swarm-node-ip> can be the IP address of any node of your Swarm.

Setup the Routing Configuration

TraefikEE requires a "Routing Configuration" (also known as Static Traefik Configuration) to know how and where to route requests.

When you use traefikeectl install, a default static configuration is deployed during the installation process.

By default, you have nothing to do: you can go straight to the next section, as your platform is already watched by TraefikEE for Dynamic Traefik Configuration

Deploy a Traefik Configuration

To specify a static configuration, no need to restart TraefikEE: use the traefikeectl deploy command instead.

You can either use command-line options:

traefikeectl deploy --kubernetes

or you can use a TOML file:

traefikeectl deploy --configFile=./traefik.toml

Deploy your Application

TraefikEE is ready to route the incoming requests to your backend applications.

Try it by deploying an example backend application named whoami:

curl -L \
  | kubectl apply -f -
curl -L \
  | docker stack deploy -c - ""

The "whoami" application is now available at http://<traefikee-hostname>/whoami.

What's Next?

Now that you have installed a TraefikEE cluster, you can: