Traefik Enterprise Edition on Docker Enterprise Edition

Traefik Enteprise Edition (TraefikEE) is a production-grade, distributed, and highly-available routing solution built on top of Traefik.

TraefikEE Architecture

If you want to learn more about TraefikEE, please refer to the page "Concepts" of the documentation.


This solution guide was tested with the following elements:

External Access


TraefikEE takes advantage of the Routing Mesh with Swarm (or the Node Ports with Kubernetes).

In order to reach TraefikEE from the outside, you have to configure either:

  • DNS record(s) to at least one Docker EE worker node
  • An external load-balancer distributing requests to your Docker EE worker nodes


It is strongly advised to expose the IANA HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports on the Docker EE worker nodes.

However, the default installation of UCP is already using the port 443 of the worker nodes, as explained in the Docker's UCP documentation

Based on your future needs, you have to choose one the following scenarios:

  • If you plan to to use Let's Encrypt with TraefikEE:
    • Change UCP Controller Port.
    • Use the ports 80 and 443 for external access to TraefikEE.
  • If you don't need Let's Encrypt, or cannot change UCP ports:
    • Consider using 2 available ports on the Docker EE worker nodes: Let's say 9080 and 9443
    • Configure your external Load-Balancer to do the port fowarding 80 <-> 9080 and 443 <-> 9443

Choose your Orchestrator

Depending on your context, you can use TraefikEE either with Swarm or with Kubernetes.

With Swarm

Installation on Manager Nodes

The TraefikEE control plane requires an access to the Swarm API. By default, it uses the docker daemon socket mounted inside the container, restraining the deployment of the control plane to the swarm managers only.

Installation is a Swarm One Line Installation, specifying the HTTP/HTTPS public ports (chosen earlier in the "Ports" section) as options:

traefikeectl install \
  --swarm \
  --dashboard \
  --licensekey="${TRAEFIKEE_LICENSE_KEY}" \
  --swarm.http=9080 \
  --swarm.https=9443 \
traefikeectl install options

You can learn more about the command-line options used on the traefikeectl install Reference Guide

Installation on Worker Nodes

DockerEE also comes with the universal control plane (UCP) which securely exposes the Swarm API. TraefikEE leverages this to have its control plane executed only on workers nodes.

In order for traefikeectl to be able to install a TraefikEE cluster on DockerEE, you first need to setup your Docker environment to point to your DockerEE installation. Refer to the DockerEE documentation in order to do so.

By specifying the --swarm.ucpbundle option, traefikeectl deploys the control plane on Swarm workers only. This option must point to a zipped UCP client bundle downloaded from the UCP web interface.

traefikeectl install \
  --swarm \
  --dashboard \
  --licensekey="${TRAEFIKEE_LICENSE_KEY}" \
  --swarm.http=9080 \
  --swarm.https=9443 \

UCP and deployments

When running in UCP, remember that each call to traefikeectl deploy must include the --swarm.ucpbundle option pointing to the UCP bundle secret mounted in the container (e.g.: /var/run/traefikee-ucp-bundle if the secret name is traefikee-ucp-bundle).


Once the installation is finished:

  • You can manage the cluster with traefikeectl:

    traefikeectl list-nodes --clustername=traefikee-swarm
    traefikeectl logs --clustername=traefikee-swarm
  • Deploy a customized routing configuration to create the entrypoints. Please note that TraefikEE uses the 80 and 443 ports internally, hence these values for the entrypoints:

    traefikeectl deploy --clustername=traefikee-swarm \
        --docker.swarmmode \
        --entryPoints='Name:http Address::80' \
        --entryPoints='Name:https Address::443 TLS' \

Deploy Application

You can start deploying applications in Docker Swarm with labels configured:

  • Start by creating the following Docker YAML Compose file, with being the public DNS to reach the cluster:
version: '3.4'
    external: true

    image: containous/whoami
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 2
        - "traefik.enable=true"
        - "traefik.frontend.rule=Path:/whoami"
        - "traefik.port=80"
      - traefikee_net
  • Deploy your application with the following command:

    docker stack deploy whoami --compose-file=./docker-whoami.yaml
  • Check the application deployment status, with 2/2 replicas ready:

    docker service ls
  • Verify that the requests are routed by TraefikEE to the "whoami" application:

  • Cleanup the "whoami" application if everything is working as expected:

    docker stack rm whoami

With Kubernetes

Default Storage Class

As specified in the Kubernetes requirements for TraefikEE, check that your DockerEE Kubernetes installation has a default storage class:

kubectl get storageclass

You should get an output similar to this one, where one of the elements is defined as (default):

NAME                 PROVISIONER    AGE
standard (default)   xxxxxxxxxx     1d

If you do not have any default storage class defined, please check the following Docker EE guides:

You might also want to check the official Kubernetes documentation:

Once you have a default storage class defined, you can go to the next step.


Installation is a Kubernetes Customised One Line Installation, specifying the HTTP/HTTPS ports (chosen earlier in the "Ports" section) in the YAML values file:

  http: 9080
  https: 9443

Then execute the following installation command:

traefikeectl install \
  --kubernetes \
  --dashboard \
  --licensekey="${TRAEFIKEE_LICENSE_KEY}" \
  --kubernetes.helmvaluespath=./custom-values.yaml \
traefikeectl install options

You can learn more about the command-line options used on the traefikeectl install Reference Guide


Once the installation is finished:

  • You can manage the cluster with traefikeectl:

    traefikeectl list-nodes --clustername=traefikee-kube
    traefikeectl logs --clustername=traefikee-kube
  • Deploy a customized routing configuration to create the entrypoints. Please note that TraefikEE uses the 80 and 443 port internally, hence these values for the entrypoints:

    traefikeectl deploy --clustername=traefikee-kube \
        --kubernetes \
        --entryPoints='Name:http Address::80' \
        --entryPoints='Name:https Address::443 TLS' \

Deploy Application

You can start deploying applications in Kubernetes with Ingress Rules:

  • Start by creating the following YAML file describing the Kubernetes Objects for an application, with being the public DNS to reach the cluster:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: whoami
  namespace: traefikee
  replicas: 2
        app: whoami
        - name: whoami
          image: containous/whoami
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: whoami
  namespace: traefikee
    app: whoami
  type: ClusterIP
    - port: 80
      name: whoami
    app: whoami
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: whoami
  namespace: traefikee
    app: whoami
    - http:
          - path: /whoami
              serviceName: whoami
              servicePort: 80
  • Deploy your application with the following command:

    kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes-whoami.yaml
  • Check the application deployment status, expecting the 3 objects to be in staus Ready:

    kubectl get deployment,svc,ingress \
        --namespace=traefikee \
  • Verify that the requests are routed by TraefikEE to the "whoami" application:

  • Cleanup the "whoami" application if everything is working as expected:

    kubectl delete -f ./kubernetes-whoami.yaml