teectl Command-Line Tool Reference

For the installation of the teectl command-line tool, please check the following page: Installing the teectl command-line tool.


Check below the list of commands, with their respective flags.

teectl    teectl is a controller for TraefikEE (Enterprise Edition).
Complete documentation is available at https://docs.containo.us.

Usage: teectl [command] [resource] [flags]

Use "teectl [command] --help" for help on any command.

    apply      Apply configuration to a cluster
    get        Get resources
    create     Create resources
    delete     Delete resources
    recover    Recovers a cluster that has lost quorum
    setup      Setup a cluster to manage

    support-dump    Gather data from the cluster to assist in support
    backup          Backs up the configuration of a running TraefikEE cluster
    restore         Restore a previously backed up cluster configuration
    version         Print version

    acme-certs, ac
    nodes, n
    tls-certs, tc
    static-config, s


The teectl command-line (CLI) provides the following commands:

Apply a Configuration (apply)

This command applies a static configuration to a cluster.


teectl apply --file="config.yaml"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

    Path to the configuration file

    Path to the socket

Cluster Management (cluster)

Set the Cluster Context (cluster use)

This command sets the cluster context to use.


teectl cluster use --name="mycluster"


--name  (Default: "default")
    The name of the cluster to set into context

Get Clusters (cluster get)

This command gets all clusters configured in teectl.


teectl cluster get

Import a Cluster Configuration (cluster import)

This command imports a cluster configuration.


teectl cluster import --file="mycluster.yaml"


    The cluster configuration file to import

Get Resources (get)

Get ACME Certificates (get acme-certs)

This command gets the ACME certificates from the cluster.


teectl get acme-certs
teectl get ac


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--format  (Default: "text")
    The output format (json | yaml | toml | text)

--notrunc  (Default: "false")
    Do not truncate output

    Path to the socket

Get Nodes (get nodes)

This command gets the nodes of the cluster.


teectl get nodes
teectl get n


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--details  (Default: "false")
    Print details about each node

--format  (Default: "text")
    The output format (json | yaml | toml | text)

    Path to the socket

Get TLS Certificates (get tls-certs)

This command gets the TLS certificates from the cluster.


teectl get tls-certs
teectl get tc


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--format  (Default: "text")
    The output format (json | yaml | toml | text)

--notrunc  (Default: "false")
    Do not truncate output

    Path to the socket

Get Static Configuration (get static-config)

This command gets the current static configuration from the cluster.


teectl get static-config
teectl get sc


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--format  (Default: "yaml")
    The output format (json | yaml | toml)

    Path to the socket

Create a Resource (create)

Create TLS certificate (create tls-cert)

This command adds a TLS certificate to the cluster.


teectl create tls-cert --cert="mycert.crt" --key="mycert.key"
teectl create tc --cert="mycert.crt" --key="mycert.key" --isdefault


    PEM-encoded certificate to be used

--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--isdefault  (Default: "false")
    Serve the given certificate when no other certificate matches the domain

    PEM-encoded certificate key to be used

--socket  (Default: "")
    Path to the socket

Delete a Resource (delete)

Delete a Node (delete node)

This command demotes and removes a node from the cluster.


teectl delete node --id="q01yagt5suwv2tooy8amm248k"
teectl delete n --id="q01yagt5suwv2tooy8amm248k"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

    The ID of the node to delete

    Path to the socket

Delete a TLS Certificate (delete tls-cert)

This command removes a TLS certificate from the cluster.


teectl delete tls-cert --id="s4eg90svby3aty5r6o9xkcpeh"
teectl delete tc --id="s4eg90svby3aty5r6o9xkcpeh"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

    The ID of the certificate to delete

    Path to the socket

Recover a Cluster (recover)

This command recovers a cluster that has lost quorum.


teectl recover


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

    Path to the socket

Setup a Cluster Connection (setup)

This command creates a connection configuration file allowing the teectl tool to manage that cluster. It also generates a "bundle.zip" file containing the server side certificates needed for a secure connection between teectl and traefikee. The bundle can be used to generate (see setup gen) platform manifest files.


teectl setup --cluster="mycluster" --kubernetes


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    The cluster name to install under

--force  (Default: "false")
    Force the installation to proceed over a previous installation

--kubernetes  (Default: "false")
    Kubernetes configuration

--kubernetes.forwardedport  (Default: "55055")
    Local port to forward the API on

    Path to the Kubernetes config file (usually located in $HOME/.kube/config)

--kubernetes.namespace  (Default: "traefikee")
    Kubernetes namespace to install TraefikEE in

--onpremise  (Default: "false")
    On-Premise configuration

--output  (Default: "./bundle.zip")
    The path to store the installation bundle

--swarm  (Default: "false")
    Swarm configuration

    A comma separated list of hosts/IPs to connect to the TraefikEE Controller API

--swarm.port  (Default: "55055")
    The port on which to connect to the TraefikEE Controller API on

Generate Platform Manifest Files (setup gen)

This command generates and outputs platform manifest files to the standard output.


# Generate Kubernetes manifest files
teectl setup gen --cluster="mycluster" --controllers=3 --proxies=2 --license="XXX"

# Generate Docker Swarm manifest files
teectl setup gen --cluster="mycluster" --controllers=3 --license="XXX"
teectl setup gen --cluster="mycluster" --proxies=2 --license="XXX"


--bundle  (Default: "./bundle.zip")
    The path to the cluster bundle

--cluster  (Default: "default")
    The cluster name to install under

--controllers  (Default: "0")
    The number of controllers to install

    License key to use

    Log file path. Stdout is used when omitted or empty.

    Log format: json | common

    Log level set to restrict logs to logs.

--proxies  (Default: "0")
    The number of proxies to install

--swarm.allowmanagers  (Default: "false")
    (UCP Only) allows installation on both managers and workers

    Path where the UCP assets will be extracted

    A comma separated list of swarm node ids to install controllers onto. Auto
    detection attempted if empty

    Set the path to the ucp-bundle

Support Dump (support-dump)

This command generates a dump file with information about the TrafikEE cluster.


teectl support-dump

# The option `--output` specifies the full path for the output file.
teectl support-dump --output=/tmp/dump.tar.gz

# The option `--cluster` specifies the cluster name.
teectl support-dump --cluster="mycluster"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--output  (Default: "traefikee-support-dump")
    Path of the archive to create

    Path to the socket

Backup (backup)

This command backs up the configuration of a running cluster.


teectl backup

teectl backup --clustername="traefikee-cluster" --output="/tmp/traefikee.zip" --archivetype="zip"


--archivetype  (Default: "tar")
    Type of the archive to create

--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

--output  (Default: "traefikee-backup")
    Path of the archive to create

    Path to the socket

Restore (restore)

This command restores the configuration of a cluster from a backup.


teectl restore --backup="/tmp/traefikee.zip"


--cluster  (Default: "default")
    Name of the cluster

    Path to the socket

Show the Version (version)

This command shows the TraefikeEE version.


traefikee version