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The configuration for Traefik Mesh is broken down into two parts: the static configuration, and the dynamic configuration. The static configuration is configured when the service mesh is installed and is configured via the values.yaml file in the Helm install.

Static configuration

  • The controller image version as well as the Traefik image version used by mesh proxies can be manually defined if needed.

  • Logging level and format for the controller and proxies can be defined.

  • The default mesh mode can be configured. If this is not set, the default mode will be HTTP. This means that new mesh services that are not specified will default to operate in HTTP mode.

  • Tracing can be enabled.

  • Access-Control List (ACL) mode can be enabled. This configures Traefik Mesh to run in ACL mode, where all traffic is forbidden unless explicitly allowed via an SMI TrafficTarget. Please see the SMI Specification for more information.

Dynamic configuration

Dynamic configuration can be provided to Traefik Mesh using annotations on Kubernetes services and via SMI objects.

Features ACL disabled ACL enabled
Traffic-Split (SMI)
Traffic-Target (SMI)

Kubernetes Service Annotations

Annotations on services give the ability to configure how Traefik Mesh interprets them.

Traffic type

The traffic type can be configured by using the following annotation: "http"

This annotation can be set to either http, tcp or udp and will specifies the mode for that service operation. If this annotation is not present, the mesh service will operate in the default mode specified in the static configuration.


For now, the udp traffic type does not work when ACL mode is enabled. In ACL mode, all traffic is forbidden unless it is explicitly allowed with a TrafficTarget and unfortunately the SMI specification does not yet define a Traffic Spec for UDP.


The scheme used to define custom scheme for request: "h2c"

This annotation can be set to either http, https or h2c and is available for "http".


Please keep in mind, that if you set the scheme to https your service needs to expose itself via HTTPS as there is no mTLS in Traefik Mesh.


Retries can be enabled by using the following annotation: "2"

This annotation sets the number of retry attempts that Traefik Mesh will make if a network error occurs. Please note that this value is a string, and needs to be quoted.

Circuit breaker

Circuit breaker can be enabled by using the following annotation: "Expression"

This annotation sets the expression for circuit breaking. The circuit breaker protects your system from stacking requests to unhealthy services (resulting in cascading failures). When your system is healthy, the circuit is closed (normal operations). When your system becomes unhealthy, the circuit opens, and requests are no longer forwarded (but handled by a fallback mechanism).

All configuration options are available here.

Rate Limit

Rate limiting can be enabled by using the following annotations: "100" "200"

These annotation sets average and burst requests per second limit for the service. Please note that this value is a string, and needs to be quoted.

Further details about the rate limiting can be found here.

Service Mesh Interface

Access Control

The first step is to describe what the traffic of our server application looks like.

kind: HTTPRouteGroup
  name: server-routes
  namespace: server
    - name: api
      pathRegex: /api
      methods: ["*"]
    - name: metrics
      pathRegex: /metrics
      methods: ["GET"]

In this example, we define a set of HTTP routes for our server application.

More precisely, the server app is composed by two routes:

  • The api route under the /api path, accepting all methods.
  • The metrics routes under the /metrics path, accepting only GET requests.

Other types of route groups and detailed information are available in the SMI specification.

By default, all traffic is denied so we need to grant access to clients to our application. This is done by defining a TrafficTarget.

TrafficTarget Source & Destination

Please note that TrafficTarget is a namespaced resource. If the destination namespace is not populated, the TrafficTarget namespace will be used as the destination namespace. The source namespace must be populated, as it cannot be inferred.

kind: TrafficTarget
  name: client-server-target
  namespace: server
    kind: ServiceAccount
    name: server
    namespace: server
    - kind: HTTPRouteGroup
      name: server-routes
        - api
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: client
      namespace: client

In this example, we grant access to all pods running with the service account client under the namespace client to the HTTP route api specified by on the group server-routes on all pods running with the service account server under the namespace server.

Any client running with the service account client under the client namespace accessing server.server.traefik.mesh/api is allowed to access the /api resource. Others will receive 404 answers from the Traefik Mesh node.

More information can be found in the SMI specification.

Traffic Splitting

SMI defines the TrafficSplit resource which allows to direct subsets of the traffic to different services.

kind: TrafficSplit
  name: server-split
  namespace: server
  service: server
    - service: server-v1
      weight: 80
    - service: server-v2
      weight: 20

In this example, we define a traffic split for our server service between two versions of our server, v1 and v2. server.server.traefik.mesh directs 80% of the traffic to the server-v1 pods, and 20% of the traffic to the server-v2 pods.

More information can be found in the SMI specification.

Traffic Metrics

At the moment, Traefik Mesh does not implement the Traffic Metrics specification.