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Distributed RateLimit

The Distributed RateLimit middleware ensures that requests are limited over time throughout your cluster and not only on an individual proxy.

It is based on a token bucket implementation.

Configuration Example

Allowing burst
# Here, a  limit of 100 requests per second is allowed.
# In addition, a burst of 200 requests is allowed.
kind: Middleware
name: test-distributedratelimit
namespace: traefik
burst: 200
denyOnError: false
limit: 100
period: 1s
responseHeaders: true
- my-release-redis-master.default.svc.cluster.local:6379
# Use the field password of the Secret redis in the same namespace
password: urn:k8s:secret:redis:password
timeout: 500ms

Rate and Burst

The rate is defined by dividing limit by period. For a rate below 1 req/s, define a period larger than a second

The middleware is based on a token bucket implementation. In this analogy, the limit and period parameters define the rate at which the bucket refills, and the burst is the size (volume) of the bucket.

kind: Middleware
name: test-ratelimit
burst: 100
period: 1m
limit: 6

In the example above, the middleware allows up to 100 connections in parallel (burst). Each connection consume a token, once the 100 tokens are consumed, the other ones are blocked until at least one token is available in the bucket.

When the bucket is not full, on token is generated every 10 seconds (6 every 1 minutes (period / limit)).

Configuration Options

limitNumber of requests used to define the rate using the period.
0 means no rate limiting.
More information here.
periodPeriod of time used to define the rate.
More information here.
burstMaximum number of requests allowed to go through at the very same moment.
More information here.
denyOnErrorForces to return a 429 error if the number of remaining requests accepted cannot be get.
Set to false, this option allows the request to reach the backend.
responseHeadersInjects the following rate limiting headers in the response:
- X-Rate-Limit-Remaining
- X-Rate-Limit-Limit
- X-Rate-Limit-Period
- X-Rate-Limit-Reset
The added headers indicate how many tokens are left in the bucket (in the token bucket analogy) after the reservation for the request was made.
store.redis.endpointsEndpoints of the Redis instances to connect to (example: redis.traefik-hub.svc.cluster.local:6379)""Yes
store.redis.usernameThe username Traefik Hub will use to connect to Redis""No
store.redis.passwordThe password Traefik Hub will use to connect to Redis""No
store.redis.databaseThe database Traefik Hub will use to sore information (default: 0)""No
store.redis.clusterEnable Redis Cluster""No
store.redis.tls.caBundleCustom CA bundle""No
store.redis.tls.certTLS certificate""No
store.redis.tls.keyTLS key""No
store.redis.tls.insecureSkipVerifyAllow skipping the TLS verification""No
store.redis.sentinel.masterSetName of the set of main nodes to use for main selection. Required when using Sentinel.""No
store.redis.sentinel.usernameUsername to use for sentinel authentication (can be different from username)""No
store.redis.sentinel.passwordPassword to use for sentinel authentication (can be different from password)""No
sourceCriterion.requestHostWhether to consider the request host as the source.
More information about sourceCriterionhere.
sourceCriterion.requestHeaderNameName of the header used to group incoming requests.
More information about sourceCriterionhere.
sourceCriterion.ipStrategy.depthDepth position of the IP to select in the X-Forwarded-For header (starting from the right).
0 means no depth.
If greater than the total number of IPs in X-Forwarded-For, then the client IP is empty
If higher than 0, the excludedIPs options is not evaluated.
More information about sourceCriterion, ipStrategy, and depth below.
sourceCriterion.ipStrategy.excludedIPsAllows Traefik to scan the X-Forwarded-For header and select the first IP not in the list.
If depth is specified, excludedIPs is ignored.
More information about sourceCriterion, ipStrategy, and excludedIPs below.


The sourceCriterion option defines what criterion is used to group requests as originating from a common source. If several strategies are defined at the same time, an error will be raised. If none are set, the default is to use the request's remote address field (as an ipStrategy).

Check out the OIDC + RateLimit & DistributedRateLimit guide to see this option in action.


The ipStrategy option defines two parameters that configures how Traefik determines the client IP: depth, and excludedIPs.

As a middleware, rate-limiting happens before the actual proxying to the backend takes place. In addition, the previous network hop only gets appended to X-Forwarded-For during the last stages of proxying, that is after it has already passed through rate-limiting. Therefore, during rate-limiting, as the previous network hop is not yet present in X-Forwarded-For, it cannot be found and/or relied upon.


If depth is set to 2, and the request X-Forwarded-For header is ",,," then the "real" client IP is "" (at depth 4) but the IP used as the criterion is "" (depth=2).



Contrary to what the name might suggest, this option is not about excluding an IP from the rate limiter, and therefore cannot be used to deactivate rate limiting for some IPs.

excludedIPs is meant to address two classes of somewhat distinct use-cases:

  1. Distinguish IPs which are behind the same (set of) reverse-proxies so that each of them contributes, independently to the others, to its own rate-limit "bucket" (cf the token bucket). In this case, excludedIPs should be set to match the list of X-Forwarded-For IPs that are to be excluded, in order to find the actual clientIP.

Example to use each IP as a distinct source:

  1. Group together a set of IPs (also behind a common set of reverse-proxies) so that they are considered the same source, and all contribute to the same rate-limit bucket.

Example to group IPs together as same source:



A Distributed Rate Limit middleware uses a persistent KV storage to store data.

Refer to the redis options to configure the Redis connection.

Connection parameters to your Redis server are attached to your Middleware deployment.

The following Redis modes are supported:

For more information about Redis, we recommend the official Redis documentation.


If you use Redis in single instance mode or Redis Sentinel, you can configure the database field. This value won't be taken into account if you use Redis Cluster (only database 0 is available).

In this case, a warning is displayed, and the value is ignored.