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The ForwardAuth middleware delegates authentication to an external service.
If the service answers with a 2XX code, access is granted, and the original request is performed. Otherwise, the response from the authentication server is returned.

Configuration Example

kind: Middleware
name: test-auth
namespace: traefik
certSecret: mytlscert
addressAuthentication server address.""Yes
trustForwardHeaderTrust all X-Forwarded-* headers.falseNo
authResponseHeadersList of headers to copy from the authentication server response and set on forwarded request, replacing any existing conflicting headers.No
authResponseHeadersRegexRegex to match by the headers to copy from the authentication server response and set on forwarded request, after stripping all headers that match the regex.
More information here.
authRequestHeadersList of the headers to copy from the request to the authentication server.
It allows filtering headers that should not be passed to the authentication server.
If not set or empty, then all request headers are passed.
addAuthCookiesToResponseList of cookies to copy from the authentication server to the response, replacing any existing conflicting cookie from the forwarded response.
Please note that all backend cookies matching the configured list will not be added to the response.
tls.caSecretSecret that contains the certificate authority used for the secured connection to the authentication server, it defaults to the system bundle.No
tls.certSecretSecret that contains both the private and public certificates used for the secure connection to the authentication server.No
tls.insecureSkipVerifyDuring TLS connections, accepts any certificate presented by the server regardless of the hostnames it covers.falseNo


It allows partial matching of the regular expression against the header key.

The start of string (^) and end of string ($) anchors should be used to ensure a full match against the header key.

Regular expressions and replacements can be tested using online tools such as Go Playground or the Regex101.

When defining a regular expression within YAML, any escaped character needs to be escaped twice: example\.com needs to be written as example\\.com.

Forward-Request Headers

The following request properties are provided to the forward-auth target endpoint as X-Forwarded- headers.

PropertyForward-Request Header
HTTP MethodX-Forwarded-Method
Request URIX-Forwarded-Uri
Source IP-AddressX-Forwarded-For