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122 docs tagged with "API Gateway"

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TCP - IPAllowList

Use IPAllowList in TCP middleware for limiting clients to specific IPs in Traefik Hub.


Learn how to implement the HTTP AddPrefix middleware in Traefik Hub to update request paths before being forwarded.

AI Gateway

AI Gateway in Traefik Hub offers effortless integration with various popular LLMs, eliminating the need for multiple SDKs and client integrations. Read the technical documentation.

AI Gateway

AI Gateway in Traefik Hub offers effortless integration with various popular LLMs, eliminating the need for multiple SDKs and client integrations. Read the reference documentation.

API Portal

Traefik Hub - API Portal overview and introduction.

Autoscaling Traefik Hub API Gateway

Autoscaling the Traefik Hub Gateway allows your API Gateway to dynamically adjust its capacity based on traffic load. Read the technical documentation.


The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Hub restricts access to Services to known users.


The HTTP buffering middleware in Traefik Hub limits the size of requests that can be forwarded to Services.

Chain Middlewares

The HTTP chain middleware lets you define reusable combinations of other middleware, to reuse the same groups.

Chain Middlewares

The HTTP chain middleware lets you define reusable combinations of other middleware, to reuse the same groups.


The HTTP circuit breaker prevents stacking requests to unhealthy Services, resulting in cascading failures.


The compress middleware lets you compress responses before sending them to the client.


Traefik Hub's HTTP middleware automatically sets the `Content-Type` header value when it is not set by the backend.

Default ServersTransport

The default ServersTransport allows configuring the connection between Traefik Hub API Gateway and the HTTP servers by default.


HTTP DigestAuth middleware restricts access to your services to known users.

Distributed RateLimit

HTTP RateLimit middleware ensures Services receive fair amounts of requests throughout your cluster and not only on an individual proxy.

Distributed RateLimit

HTTP RateLimit middleware ensures Services receive fair amounts of requests throughout your cluster and not only on an individual proxy


Install and configure Traefik Hub on Docker.

EntryPoints Configuration

For routing and load balancing in Traefik Hub API Gateway, `entryPoints` define which port will receive packets and whether in UDP or TCP.

Error Pages

The Errors middleware returns custom pages according to configured ranges of HTTP Status codes.


The HTTP ForwardAuth middleware delegates authentication to an external Service.

Getting Started

Traefik Hub API Gateway Quick Start - Publish your first APIs using CRDs.


GrpcWeb converts a gRPC Web requests to HTTP/2 gRPC requests.


The HTTP headers middleware manages the headers of requests and responses.


The HMAC Middleware allows you secure your APIs using the HMAC mechanism.

HTTP Cache

The HTTP Cache Middleware allows you to add caching to your routers and improve the performance of your infrastructure.


The InFlightReq HTTP middleware lets you limit the number of simultaneous in-flight requests.


Understand the routing configuration for the Kubernetes IngressRoute & Traefik CRD


Understand the routing configuration for the Kubernetes IngressRouteUDP & Traefik CRD

Install vs Routing Configuration

Traefik Hub’s Gateway uses two types of configuration—static and dynamic—to maintain high availability. Learn which settings belong in static config and which belong in dynamic config.


Learn how to use IPAllowList in HTTP middleware for limiting clients to specific IPs.


Learn how to use IPAllowList in HTTP middleware for limiting clients to specific IPs.

JWT Authentication

Traefik Hub - Learn how to configure the JWT Authentication middleware for Ingress management.

JWT Authentication

Traefik Hub - Learn how to configure the JWT Authentication middleware for Ingress management.

Kubernetes Ingress

Configure the Kubernetes Ingress provider that allows managing the Ingress objects.

Kubernetes Routers - IngressRoute

A IngressRoute is a Traefik Hub API Gateway CRD is in charge of connecting incoming requests to the Services that can handle them in HTTP.

LDAP Authentication

Traefik Hub - Learn how to configure the LDAP Authentication middleware for Ingress management.


Install and configure Traefik Hub Linux.


There are several available middleware in Traefik Hub used to modify requests or headers, take charge of redirections, add authentication, and so on

Open Policy Agent

The Open Policy Agent (OPA) middleware that allows you to restrict access to your services.

OpenID Connect Authentication

Traefik Hub - The OIDC Authentication middleware secures your applications by delegating the authentication to an external provider.

OpenID Connect Authentication

Traefik Hub - The OIDC Authentication middleware secures your applications by delegating the authentication to an external provider.


The PassTLSClientCert adds selected data from passed client TLS certificates to headers.


The PassTLSClientCert adds selected data from passed client TLS certificates to headers.

Per-Router Observability

You can disable access logs, metrics, and tracing for a specific entrypoint attached to a Router


HTTP RateLimit middleware ensures Services receive fair amounts of requests


RedirectRegex redirecting clients to different locations.


RedirectScheme redirects clients to different schemes/ports.


ReplacePath updates paths before forwarding requests.


ReplacePathRegex updates paths before forwarding requests, using a regex.


Retry requests to a backend server until it succeeds.

Rules and Priorities

Rules and priorities allow defining how to route the incoming request to the expected services

Rules and Priorities

a router is in charge of connecting incoming requests to the Services that can handle them.

Rules and Priorities

A router is in charge of connecting incoming requests to the Services that can handle them.

Secure Access with Distributed Rate Limit and OIDC

Traefik Hub - The Distributed RateLimit middleware ensures that requests are limited over time throughout your cluster and not only on an individual proxy while the OIDC authentication middleware secures your applications by delegating the authentication to an external provider.

ServersTransport in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, a ServersTransport allows configuring the connection between Traefik Hub API Gateway and the HTTP servers.


Understand the service routing configuration for the Kubernetes ServerTransportTCP & Traefik CRD


A service is in charge of connecting incoming requests to the Servers that can handle them.


StripPrefix removes prefixes from paths before forwarding requests.


StripPrefixRegex removes prefixes from paths before forwarding requests, using regex. Read the technical documentation.

Traefik Hub

Traefik Hub API Gateway and APIM descriptions

Traefik Service in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, a TraefikService is in charge of defining advanced load-balancing strategies on top of Kubernetes Services.

Tweak the requests

A service is in charge of connecting incoming requests to the Servers that can handle them.