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JWT Authentication

JSON Web Token (JWT) (defined in the RFC 7519) allows Traefik Hub API Gateway to secure the API access using a token signed using either a private signing secret or a plublic/private key.

Traefik Hub API Gateway provides many kind of sources to perform the token validation:

  • Setting a secret value in the middleware configuration (option signingSecret).
  • Setting a public key: In that case, users should sign their token using a private key, and the public key can be used to verify the signature (option publicKey).
  • Setting a JSON Web Key (JWK) file to define a set of JWK to be used to verify the signature of the incoming JWT (option jwksFile).
  • Setting a JSON Web Key (JWK) URL to define the URL of the host serving a JWK set (option jwksUrl).
One single source

The JWT middleware does not allow you to set more than one way to validate the incoming tokens.

When a Hub API Gateway receives a request that must be validated using the JWT middleware, it verifies the token using the source configured as described above. If the token is successfully checked, the request is accepted.

Claim Usage

A JWT can contain metadata in the form of claims (key-value pairs). The claims contained in the JWT can be used for advanced use-cases such as adding an Authorization layer using the claims.

More information in the dedicated section.

Verify a JWT with a secret

To allow the Traefik Hub API Gateway to validate a JWT with a secret value stored in a Kubernetes Secret, apply the following configuration:

kind: Middleware
name: test-jwt
namespace: apps
signingSecret: "urn:k8s:secret:jwt:signingSecret"

Verify a JWT using an Identity Provider

To allow the Traefik Hub API Gateway to validate a JWT using an Identity Provider, such as Keycloak and Azure AD in the examples below, apply the following configuration:

kind: Middleware
name: test-jwt
namespace: apps
# Replace KEYCLOAK_URL and REAL_NAME with your values
jwksUrl: https://KEYCLOAK_URL/realms/REAL_NAME/protocol/openid-connect/certs
# Forward the content of the claim grp in the header Group
Group: grp
# Check the value of the claim grp before sending the request to the backend
claims: Equals(`grp`, `admin`)
Advanced Configuration

Advanced options are described in the reference page.

For example, the metadata recovered from the Identity Provider can be used to restrict the access to the applications. To do so, you can use the claims option, more information in the dedicated section.