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OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Authentication

The OAuth2 Client Credentials protocol (defined in OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749, section 4.4) provides a way to secure delegated access between applications with a JWT access token.

With Traefik Hub, the authentication can be achieved either at the client level or at the gateway level.

Application Level

In this mode, every application brings its credentials (ClientId and ClientSecret) to Hub API Gateway using the Authorization header. Then, Hub Gateway API calls the Identity Provider providing the application credentials to get the AccessToken as described in the diagram below.

To allow the OAuth2 Client Credential Middleware to use the credentials provided by the requests, apply the following configuration:

kind: Middleware
name: oauth2-client-creds
namespace: apps
# Middleware minimal configuration
# IdP URL to get the access token
url: http://myidp:4444/oauth2/token
How to provide the credentials to the gateway?

To use the middleware at the application level, you need to provide the credentials to Hub using the Authorization header as described below:

  # $client_id: your ClientID
# $client_secret: your client secret

# base64 encode the credentials
auth=$(echo -n "$client_id:$client_secret" | base64 -w 0)
# Use the Authorizarion Header to provide the credentials
curl -H "Authorization: Basic $auth" https://mydomain/my-app

Gateway level

In this mode, the credentials (ClientId and ClientSecret) are provided to the Hub API Gateway using the Middleware configuration. The applications that reach Hub API Gateway don't need to be authenticated. Hub API Gateway adds the credentials to the request headers and sends them to the Identity Provider, as described in the diagram below:

To allow the OAuth2 Client Credential Middleware to use the credentials provided by the requests, apply the following configuration:

kind: Middleware
name: oauth2-client-creds
namespace: apps
# Middleware minimal configuration
# IdP URL to get the access token
url: http://myidp:4444/oauth2/token
# Credentials
clientId: "urn:k8s:secret:oauth-client-nologin:client_id"
clientSecret: "urn:k8s:secret:oauth-client-nologin:client_secret"
Advanced Configuration

Advanced options are described in the reference page.

For example, you can find how to add a cache layer using a Redis store.