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Distributed RateLimit

The Distributed RateLimit middleware ensures that requests are limited over time throughout your cluster and not only on an individual proxy.

It is based on the Token Bucket algorithm.

Install Redis

In Traefik Hub API Gateway, the Distributed RateLimit middleware requires you install a Redis() instance in your cluster.

Install Redis using the Helm Chart
    helm install my-release oci://
kubectl get secret --namespace default my-release-redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d
Create the namespace apps and create a Secret to store the Redis password
    kubectl create ns apps
kubectl create secret generic redis --from-literal=password=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default my-release-redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) -n apps

Connection parameters to your Redis server are attached to your Middleware deployment.

The following Redis modes are supported:

For more information about Redis, we recommend the official Redis documentation.


If you use Redis in single instance mode or Redis Sentinel, you can configure the database field. This value won't be taken into account if you use Redis Cluster (only database 0 is available).

In this case, a warning is displayed, and the value is ignored.

Distributed Rate Limit

No more than 200 requests simultaneously, fill the bucket with 100req/sec
# Here, we configure a rate limit middleware where each IP address will get its own bucket.
# Buckets are refilled at a rate of 100 tokens per second and a maximum capacity of 200 tokens.
# It allows someone to query on average at a rate of 100 requests per second and at most 200 simultaneous request temporary.
kind: Middleware
name: ratelimit
namespace: apps
burst: 200
denyOnError: false
limit: 100
period: 1s
responseHeaders: true
ipStrategy: {}
- my-release-redis-master.default.svc.cluster.local:6379
password: urn:k8s:secret:redis:password
timeout: 500ms
Advanced Configuration

Advanced options are described in the reference page.

For example, the Redis store configuration options.

Rate Limit not distributed

If you have only one instance of Traefik Hub API Gateway deployed, or if you don't want the share the rate limit bucket betwenn your instances, You can use the RateLimit middleware.

  • See the full options of the distributed ratelimit middleware in the dedicated section.
  • See the full options of the ratelimit middleware in the dedicated section.
  • See how to secure your API access using OIDC.