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This document provides information about licensing.

Request a Free Trial License

If you're interested in trying out Traefik Hub, head over to our signup page and request a free 14-day trial license.

What's Included

All features of Traefik Hub are available for 14 days without any limitations.

Is a Credit/Debit Card Required for the Free Trial?

A credit/debit card is not required for the 14-day free trial.

How Can I Track the Remaining Time of My Trial?

Once your trial license is activated, you will see a counter in the dashboard, displaying how many days are left.

What Happens When the Trial License Expires?

After the trial period, the workspace will be locked, and no changes can be made to it anymore. Your account will not be lost after your free trial expires, you will still be able to log into your Traefik Hub account to view your dashboard.

To continue using Traefik Hub after your free trial, you can purchase a license.

How to Get a License

The Traefik Labs team will unlock your Traefik Hub workspace(s) where you can invite colleagues to collaborate on your API initiatives.

Managing Your Licenses

Traefik Hub is a SaaS solution, you don’t have to do anything, everything is handled by the Traefik Labs team based on your entitlements and contracts.

Updating Your License

You don’t need to perform any license upgrade, renewal or application configuration changes, it’s all handled by the Traefik Labs team.

Please get in touch with your sales engineer or our sales team to ask for the license renewal at the end of the licensed period.

Increasing Your License

If you want to increase your licensed amounts (amount of Nodes and API Developer Portals), please get in touch with your sales engineer or our sales team.

What Happens When the License Expires?

30 days before the license expires, a counter appears in the top left corner of the Traefik Hub dashboard to show a countdown of the remaining days of the licensed period, along with a link to get in touch with the sales team.

Dashboard showing the license expiry date.

15 days before the license expires, both the customer and our sales team gets a notification in email to investigate the situation, and get in touch with each other.

If you decide not to renew the license, and the licensed days run off, the Traefik Hub dashboard workspace is locked, no modifications can be made to it anymore, and the agents are set to “read-only mode”.

The read-only mode discards any configuration change performed via the dashboard or CRDs, but it continues serving traffic on the data plane with no service disruption.

In case you decide to renew the license, we set the new license, and all operations return to normal without any configuration loss.

How Do You Control Licensing?

Traefik Hub is licensed per the number of Nodes hosting the services behind the APIs, and the number of API Developer Portals.

The reporting is done by the Traefik Hub agents connected to the SaaS control plane.

How Can I Track My Usage?

There are two ways to track your usage.

You can check the floating quota meter on the Traefik Hub dashboard screen:

Dashboard showing the floating info about used quotas.

Or, if you prefer, you can track your usage under your workspace settings:

Workspace showing the used quotas.

What Happens If I Exceed My Entitlements?

We understand that sometimes the most interesting incidents can result in scaling to many more Nodes or that you face unexpected workload for a short period of time.

We want Traefik Hub to be there for you, so Traefik Hub will automatically trigger burst protection for a period of 6 hours.

The only visible impact will be your usage tracking dashboard turning red to notify you.

Dashboard showing quota warning.

Workspace showing quota warning.

If you exceed your Nodes entitlement for a longer period, everything will continue to work, our sales team will be notified and will reach out to you for an agreement to either lower your usage or purchase additional rights.

Six hours burst protection diagram.

If you have any questions about licensing, do not hesitate to contact your sales engineer or by sending an email to [email protected].

What Data Are Shared between the Traefik Hub’s SAAS Control Plane and the Kubernetes Cluster(s)

Please read our data sharing page to learn what data are shared.