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ServersTransport allows you to configure the transport between Traefik and your HTTP servers.

Configuration Example

Declare the serversTransport:

      serverName: "myhost"
        - "/path/to/cert1.pem"
        - "/path/to/cert2.pem"
      insecureSkipVerify: true
        - "/path/to/rootca1.pem"
        - "/path/to/rootca2.pem"
      maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
      disableHTTP2: true
      peerCertURI: "spiffe://"
        dialTimeout: "30s"
        responseHeaderTimeout: "10s"
        idleConnTimeout: "60s"
        readIdleTimeout: "5s"
        pingTimeout: "15s"
          - "spiffe://"
          - "spiffe://"
        trustDomain: ""
  serverName = "myhost"
  certificates = ["/path/to/cert1.pem", "/path/to/cert2.pem"]
  insecureSkipVerify = true
  rootcas = ["/path/to/rootca1.pem", "/path/to/rootca2.pem"]
  maxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
  disableHTTP2 = true
  peerCertURI = "spiffe://"

    dialTimeout = "30s"
    responseHeaderTimeout = "10s"
    idleConnTimeout = "60s"
    readIdleTimeout = "5s"
    pingTimeout = "15s"

    ids = ["spiffe://", "spiffe://"]
    trustDomain = ""

Attach the serversTransport to a service:

## Dynamic configuration
        serversTransport: mytransport
## Dynamic configuration
      serversTransport = "mytransport"
  - ""
  // ...
  "Tags": [

Configuration Options

Field Description Default Required
serverName Configures the server name that will be used as the SNI. "" No
certificates Defines the list of certificates (as file paths, or data bytes) that will be set as client certificates for mTLS. [] No
insecureSkipVerify Controls whether the server's certificate chain and host name is verified. false No
rootcas Set of root certificate authorities to use when verifying server certificates. (for mTLS connections). [] No
maxIdleConnsPerHost Maximum idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host. 200 No
disableHTTP2 Disables HTTP/2 for connections with servers. false No
peerCertURI Defines the URI used to match against SAN URIs during the server's certificate verification. "" No
forwardingTimeouts.dialTimeout Amount of time to wait until a connection to a server can be established.
0 = no timeout
30s No
forwardingTimeouts.responseHeaderTimeout Amount of time to wait for a server's response headers after fully writing the request (including its body, if any).
0 = no timeout
0s No
forwardingTimeouts.idleConnTimeout Maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing itself.
0 = no timeout
90s No
forwardingTimeouts.readIdleTimeout Defines the timeout after which a health check using ping frame will be carried out if no frame is received on the HTTP/2 connection. 0s No
forwardingTimeouts.pingTimeout Defines the timeout after which the HTTP/2 connection will be closed if a response to ping is not received. 15s No
spiffe.ids Defines the allowed SPIFFE IDs.
This takes precedence over the SPIFFE TrustDomain.
[] No
spiffe.trustDomain Defines the SPIFFE trust domain. "" No