ServersTransport allows you to configure the transport between Traefik and your HTTP servers.
Configuration Example¶
Declare the serversTransport:
serverName: "myhost"
- "/path/to/cert1.pem"
- "/path/to/cert2.pem"
insecureSkipVerify: true
- "/path/to/rootca1.pem"
- "/path/to/rootca2.pem"
maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
disableHTTP2: true
peerCertURI: "spiffe://"
dialTimeout: "30s"
responseHeaderTimeout: "10s"
idleConnTimeout: "60s"
readIdleTimeout: "5s"
pingTimeout: "15s"
- "spiffe://"
- "spiffe://"
trustDomain: ""
serverName = "myhost"
certificates = ["/path/to/cert1.pem", "/path/to/cert2.pem"]
insecureSkipVerify = true
rootcas = ["/path/to/rootca1.pem", "/path/to/rootca2.pem"]
maxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
disableHTTP2 = true
peerCertURI = "spiffe://"
dialTimeout = "30s"
responseHeaderTimeout = "10s"
idleConnTimeout = "60s"
readIdleTimeout = "5s"
pingTimeout = "15s"
ids = ["spiffe://", "spiffe://"]
trustDomain = ""
Attach the serversTransport to a service:
## Dynamic configuration
serversTransport: mytransport
## Dynamic configuration
serversTransport = "mytransport"
- ""
// ...
"Tags": [
Configuration Options¶
Field | Description | Default | Required |
serverName |
Configures the server name that will be used as the SNI. | "" | No |
certificates |
Defines the list of certificates (as file paths, or data bytes) that will be set as client certificates for mTLS. | [] | No |
insecureSkipVerify |
Controls whether the server's certificate chain and host name is verified. | false | No |
rootcas |
Set of root certificate authorities to use when verifying server certificates. (for mTLS connections). | [] | No |
maxIdleConnsPerHost |
Maximum idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host. | 200 | No |
disableHTTP2 |
Disables HTTP/2 for connections with servers. | false | No |
peerCertURI |
Defines the URI used to match against SAN URIs during the server's certificate verification. | "" | No |
forwardingTimeouts.dialTimeout |
Amount of time to wait until a connection to a server can be established. 0 = no timeout |
30s | No |
forwardingTimeouts.responseHeaderTimeout |
Amount of time to wait for a server's response headers after fully writing the request (including its body, if any). 0 = no timeout |
0s | No |
forwardingTimeouts.idleConnTimeout |
Maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing itself. 0 = no timeout |
90s | No |
forwardingTimeouts.readIdleTimeout |
Defines the timeout after which a health check using ping frame will be carried out if no frame is received on the HTTP/2 connection. | 0s | No |
forwardingTimeouts.pingTimeout |
Defines the timeout after which the HTTP/2 connection will be closed if a response to ping is not received. | 15s | No |
spiffe.ids |
Defines the allowed SPIFFE IDs. This takes precedence over the SPIFFE TrustDomain. |
[] | No |
spiffe.trustDomain |
Defines the SPIFFE trust domain. | "" | No |