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Installing with the Helm Chart

Deployment Only

The Traefik Enterprise Helm Chart provides support for deploying and upgrading core components such as the Controllers, Proxies and Plugin Registry, without applying any runtime configuration by default.


  • Helm version 3 installed
  • Kubernetes version 1.13 or greater

Adding the Traefik Enterprise repository

Run the following command to add the repository:

helm repo add traefikee

Run the following command to update the repository:

helm repo update

Deploy the cluster

To deploy Traefik Enterprise in the default Kubernetes namespace:

helm install traefikee traefikee/traefikee

Although, it is recommended to deploy Traefik Enterprise in a separate namespace:

helm install traefikee traefikee/traefikee --namespace traefikee --create-namespace

The next step is to create the Kubernetes secret that will hold the Traefik Enterprise license key.

kubectl create secret generic $CLUSTERNAME-license --from-literal=license="$TRAEFIKEE_LICENSE" -n traefikee

The command above assumes two environment variables named $CLUSTERNAME and $TRAEFIKEE_LICENSE are already defined.

Setting cluster name

The cluster name can customized with the cluster key on your deployment values file or directly as a flag:

helm install traefikee traefikee/traefikee --set "cluster=mycluster" --namespace traefikee --create-namespace

Custom deploy parameters

The following command will display all available configuration parameters that can be changed according to the needs.

helm show values traefikee/traefikee

The output of the command can be redirected to a file e.g. values.yaml and then modified accordingly and used with the Helm install command.

helm install traefikee traefikee/traefikee -f values.yaml

Applying a static configuration

After deploying, the cluster will be up and running but without any configuration attached to it which means the proxies won't be listening on any port.

There are two main approaches for applying a static configuration to the cluster at this point:

  • by creating the Kubernetes Config Map with its content
  • by using the teectl command

With a Kubernetes Config Map

Create the config map by executing the following command:

kubectl create configmap --from-file=static.yaml $CLUSTERNAME-static-config -n traefikee

Once the Config map is created, it must be mounted on the controllers with the proxy.staticConfig.configMap and proxy.staticConfig.configMapKey flags:

helm upgrade --install traefikee traefikee/traefikee --set "cluster=$CLUSTERNAME,proxy.staticConfig.configMap=$CLUSTERNAME-static-config,proxy.staticConfig.configMapKey=static.yaml" --namespace traefikee --create-namespace
Reloading the static configuration

Each time the config map is updated Traefik Enterprise will reload the changes automatically.

With the teectl command line

Configuring Teectl to access the cluster remotly

For more information on how to setup teectl see Remote Access Through teectl.

Once teectl is configured the static configuration file can be applied with:

teectl apply --file=./static.yaml

And to validate the live static configuration in any connected cluster:

teectl get static-config

Next steps

  • Take a look at the Operations guide for instructions on setting up the Traefik Dashboard and API
  • Deploy a sample application with an Ingress by following this guide