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Installing the teectl Command-Line Tool


First, download teectl, a tool that will help you install and operate your cluster, using one of the following links:

Check the integrity of the downloaded file

Use the sha256 checksums of the binaries:

# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
sha256sum ./teectl_v2.7.6_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
shasum -a256 ./teectl_v2.7.6_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256
Extract the downloaded archive
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
tar -zxvf teectl_v2.7.6_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
tar -zxvf ./teectl_v2.7.6_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt


Copy the teectl binary to your PATH or add its location to your environment ($PATH or %PATH% depending on your OS) and make sure it's executable:

# Example with /usr/local/bin
# These command may need sudo rights
cp ./teectl /usr/local/bin/teectl

# Should print "/usr/local/bin/teectl"
command -v teectl
# Example with C:\Program Files
Copy-Item "teectl.exe" -Destination "C:\Program Files\teectl.exe"

# Should print "C:\Program Files\teectl.exe"
where teectl


You can now test your installation by executing the command-line teectl without argument, it should return a simple "usage":

Usage: teectl [flags] <command> [<arguments>]

Use "teectl <command> --help" for help on any command.