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API Bundle

API Bundles allow you to group one or more APIs together, enabling efficient management through Plans.

API Bundle behaviour

An API Bundle acts as a facade for one or more APIs. Wherever an API can be referenced, an API Bundle can be referenced as well. This feature enables:

  • Grouping multiple APIs under a single entity.
  • Applying API Plans to API Bundles i.e governing rate limits and quotas across all included APIs.

An API Bundle cannot include another API Bundle.

Creating an API Bundle

You can define an API Bundle using the APIBundle custom resource (CR). Currently, There are two ways to include APIs in a bundle:

kind: APIBundle
name: my-bundle
namespace: your-namespace
- name: api-weather
- name: api-forecast
  • Explicitly defining the API name directly lists the APIs (api-weather and api-forecast) to include in my-bundle.
  • Using the label selector method allows you to dynamically bundle APIs without listing each one explicitly.

Granting access to an API Bundle

Use the Managed Subscription resource to grant applications access to an API Bundle on the Gateway.

kind: ManagedSubscription
name: access-to-my-bundle
namespace: your-namespace
- appId: "your-application-id"
# List additional applications as needed
# - appId: "another-application-id"
- name: my-bundle
name: std-plan

Making an API Bundle visible in Developer Portal

To control the visibility of the API Bundle in the Developer Portal for specific user groups, use the APICatalogItem resource.

kind: APICatalogItem
name: my-bundle-catalog-item
namespace: your-namespace
- external
# Or, to make it visible to all users:
# everyone: true
- name: my-bundle
name: std-plan


The APIBundle object supports a custom title field. This field allows you to specify a human-readable name for the API Bundle as it appears on the portal.

kind: APIBundle
name: my-bundle
namespace: your-namespace
title: "My Custom API Bundle"
- name: api-weather
- name: api-forecast

In this example, the APIBundle named my-bundle is given the public title “My Custom API Bundle”, which will be used in the API portal.

API Bundle example use cases

Use Case 1: Partner access to bundled APIs

Scenario: You have two APIs, Weather and Forecast, that you want to offer to your partners as a single bundle called WeatherBundle. You wish to enforce a rate limit of 10 requests per second and a monthly quota of 1,000 requests.

This bundle, named weather-bundle, explicitly lists api-weather and api-forecast as the APIs it includes
kind: APIBundle
name: weather-bundle
namespace: your-namespace
- name: api-weather
- name: api-forecast

Resulting behavior

  • Partners in the External Group: When users in the external group access the Developer Portal, they will see the weather-bundle available to them.
  • Consumption Access: Applications with appIds partner-app-1 and partner-app-2 are granted access to the weather-bundle under the std-plan.
  • Shared Rate Limits and Quotas: All APIs within weather-bundle share the same rate limits and quotas defined by std-plan because access was granted under the same ManagedSubscription.
  • Quota Renewal: The quota of 10,000 requests is enforced over a sliding window of approximately one month (750 hours). As older requests move out of the window, new requests become available, allowing continuous usage up to the quota limit.

Use Case 2: Internal applications with access to individual APIs and bundles

Scenario: Internal users & applications need access to all APIs, including an Admin API, with higher rate limits and quotas. The Admin API should be accessible both individually and as part of a bundle.

kind: API
name: api-weather
namespace: your-namespace
spec: {} # Additional specifications for the Weather API

Resulting behaviour

  • Multiple Access Points: Internal developers can access the Admin API either directly via api-admin or through the website-apis bundle on the Developer Portal.
  • Higher Limits: Applications (internal-app-1, internal-app-2) benefit from the higher rate limits and quotas specified in the internal-plan.
  • Visibility and Access:
    • Visibility: Users in the internal group see all APIs (api-weather, api-forecast, api-admin) and the website-apis bundle on the Developer Portal, as defined in the APICatalogItem.
    • Access: The specified applications have consumption access to the APIs and bundle under the internal-plan, as defined in the ManagedSubscription.

Use Case 3: Users in multiple groups with different access levels

Scenario: Some users belong to both the external and vip groups. You want VIP users to have higher rate limits and quotas when accessing WeatherBundle.

The extra-plan offers higher rate limits (20 requests per second) and quotas for VIP users
kind: APIPlan
name: extra-plan
namespace: your-namespace
title: "VIP Plan"
description: "**Enhanced limits for VIP users**"
limit: 20
period: 1s
limit: 20000
period: 750h # Approximately one month

Resulting behavior

  • Priority Determination: When an application matches multiple ManagedSubscriptions (e.g., an application belonging to both VIP and external users), the subscription with the higher weight takes precedence. In this case, vip-weather-subscription has a weight of 2, which takes precedence over external-weather-subscription with a weight of 1.
  • Higher Limits for VIP Applications: Applications listed in the VIP ManagedSubscription (vip-app-1, vip-app-2) benefit from the higher rate limits and quotas defined in the extra-plan when accessing the APIs within weather-bundle.
  • Standard Limits for External Applications: Applications listed in the external ManagedSubscription (external-app-1, external-app-2) are subject to the standard limits defined in the std-plan.
  • Visibility on Developer Portal:
    • Users in the vip group see the weather-bundle and extra-plan in the Developer Portal.
    • Users in the external group see weather-bundle with the std-plan available.
    • Users belonging to both groups see weather-bundle with both plans available.
  • Learn more about the API object in its dedicated section.
  • Learn more about the APIAccess resource in its dedicated section.
  • Learn more about the API Portal in its dedicated section.
  • Learn more about User Management in its dedicated section.