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Custom Configuration

You can tailor the default installation configuration and apply custom settings with Helm (see the table below for the full list of available parameters).

Configuration Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault Value
replicasStable set of replicated Pods running within a cluster at any given time.1
maxSurgeThe maximum number of Pods that can be created over the desired number of Pods.1
resources.requests.memoryKubernetes resource management for Pods and containers.64Mi
resources.requests.cpuKubernetes resource management for Pods and containers.50m
resources.limits.memoryKubernetes resource management for Pods and containers.128Mi
resources.limits.cpuKubernetes resource management for Pods and containers.80m
hubTokenSecretNameName of the Secret containing the Traefik Hub agent token.hub-agent-token
service.typeKubernetes Service types allow you to specify what kind of Service you want.ClusterIP
service.annotationsFor defining external DNS annotations.None
sendlogsError and fatal logs are transmitted to the Traefik Hub platform.
You can disable sending these logs with
- "--hub.sendlogs=false" in the additionalArguments.
Please note that it could result in increased support issue resolution times.

Configure a Custom Configuration

From the Dashboard, you will need to generate an agent token.

Login to the Dashboard and create a new agent.

Ingress Controller mode.


You only need the token shown at the bottom (1).

Once you have your token copied and saved, continue with the steps to deploy the Traefik Hub agent.

Add the Helm Repository

helm repo add traefik
helm repo update

Create the Kubernetes Namespace for Traefik Hub

kubectl create namespace traefik-hub

Create the Secret with the Agent Token

kubectl create secret generic hub-agent-token --namespace traefik-hub --from-literal=token=$YOUR-AGENT-TOKEN
  • $YOUR-AGENT-TOKEN: Your token displayed in the dashboard

You can adjust the default configuration by adjusting the values.

Adjust the Default Values

First, save the default configuration.
The following command will save it to a file with the name values.yaml in your working directory.

helm show values traefik/traefik-hub > values.yaml

Second, adjust the file. The following example shows a configuration where the log level of the Traefik Hub agent is set to DEBUG and the access log format to JSON.

- --log.level=debug
- --accessLog.format=json

Install the Agent with Your Custom Settings

Once you have the configuration adjusted to your needs, use Helm to deploy the Traefik Hub agent with the new values:

helm upgrade --install --namespace traefik-hub traefik-hub traefik/traefik-hub --values values.yaml

Did You Know

That the Traefik Hub Helm Chart is open source and that contributors are welcome?