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How to Create API Keys

How to Create API Keys in the API Portal


Key authentication for APIs is the default method in Traefik Hub to authenticate and authorize access to APIs.

For more information about how to set up API keys, please refer to the Key authentication documentation.

Set Up Keys

In Traefik Hub, you configure API keys for authentication through API Portals.


The tokens are tied to the user. If you add a key on one Portal, it will appear on other Portals, even on other agents.

First log into an API Portal and select Settings in the left bottom corner.

Select Settings in the left bottom corner.

Select Create token in the right top corner, enter a name for the token, and select Create.

Select the Create token button.

Select the Create button.

In the next step, save the token and after saving, select Ok, got it.

Copy the token.

Your new key is created and displayed in the overview page.

Token overview showing the new token.