A ServersTransport
allows you to configure the connection between Traefik and the HTTP servers in Kubernetes.
Before creating ServersTransport
objects, you need to apply the Traefik Kubernetes CRDs to your Kubernetes cluster.
This registers the ServersTransport
kind and other Traefik-specific resources.
It can be applied on a service using:
- The option
on aIngressRoute
(if the service is a Kubernetes Service) - The option
on aTraefikService
(if the service is a Kubernetes Service)
Reference a ServersTransport CRD from another namespace
The value must be of form namespace-name@kubernetescrd
, and the allowCrossNamespace
option must be enabled at the provider level.
Configuration Example¶
kind: ServersTransport
name: mytransport
namespace: default
insecureSkipVerify: true
kind: IngressRoute
name: testroute
namespace: default
- web
- match: Host(``)
kind: Rule
- name: whoami
port: 80
serversTransport: mytransport
Configuration Options¶
Field | Description | Default | Required |
serverstransport. serverName |
Defines the server name that will be used for SNI. | No | |
serverstransport. insecureSkipVerify |
Controls whether the server's certificate chain and host name is verified. | false | No |
serverstransport. rootcas |
Set of root certificate authorities to use when verifying server certificates. (for mTLS connections). | No | |
serverstransport. certificatesSecrets |
Certificates to present to the server for mTLS. | No | |
serverstransport. maxIdleConnsPerHost |
Maximum idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host. | 200 | No |
serverstransport. disableHTTP2 |
Disables HTTP/2 for connections with servers. | false | No |
serverstransport. peerCertURI |
Defines the URI used to match against SAN URIs during the server's certificate verification. | "" | No |
serverstransport. forwardingTimeouts.dialTimeout |
Amount of time to wait until a connection to a server can be established. Zero means no timeout. |
30s | No |
serverstransport. forwardingTimeouts.responseHeaderTimeout |
Amount of time to wait for a server's response headers after fully writing the request (including its body, if any). Zero means no timeout |
0s | No |
serverstransport. forwardingTimeouts.idleConnTimeout |
Maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing itself. Zero means no timeout. |
90s | No |
serverstransport. spiffe.ids |
Allow SPIFFE IDs. This takes precedence over the SPIFFE TrustDomain. |
No | |
serverstransport. spiffe.trustDomain |
Allow SPIFFE trust domain. | "" | No |
CA Secret
The CA secret must contain a base64 encoded certificate under either a or a ca.crt key.