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In Traefik, certificates are grouped together in certificates stores.

TLSStore is the CRD implementation of a Traefik TLS Store.

Before creating TLSStore objects, you need to apply the Traefik Kubernetes CRDs to your Kubernetes cluster.

Default TLS Store

Traefik currently only uses the TLS Store named "default". This default TLSStore should be in a namespace discoverable by Traefik. Since it is used by default on IngressRoute and IngressRouteTCP objects, there never is a need to actually reference it. This means that you cannot have two stores that are named default in different Kubernetes namespaces. As a consequence, with respect to TLS stores, the only change that makes sense (and only if needed) is to configure the default TLSStore.

Configuration Example

kind: TLSStore
  name: default

    secretName:  supersecret

Configuration Options

Field Description Required
certificates[n].secretName List of Kubernetes Secrets, each of them holding a key/certificate pair to add to the store. No
defaultCertificate.secretName Name of the Kubernetes Secret served for connections without a SNI, or without a matching domain. If no default certificate is provided, Traefik will use the generated one. Do not use if the option defaultGeneratedCert is set. No
defaultGeneratedCert.resolver Name of the ACME resolver to use to generate the default certificate.
Do not use if the option defaultCertificate is set.
defaultGeneratedCert.domain.main Main domain used to generate the default certificate.
Do not use if the option defaultCertificate is set.
defaultGeneratedCert.domain.sans List of Subject Alternative Name used to generate the default certificate.
Do not use if the option defaultCertificate is set.

DefaultCertificate vs DefaultGeneratedCert

If both defaultCertificate and defaultGeneratedCert are set, the TLS certificate contained in defaultCertificate.secretName is served. The ACME default certificate is not generated.