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Okta JWT Configuration

How to configure Okta for JWT.


If you switch from the default configuration to JSON Web Tokens, all API keys generated in the API Portal will be turned off.

This walk-through covers a basic example configuration of Okta using the minimal needed settings, please don't use it in production!


Please ensure you have the following:

  • An Okta instance with admin permissions.
  • Admin permissions for the Traefik Hub workspace.
  • curl

Create an Authorization Server

As the first step, create a custom authorization server in Okta.

Browse to SecurityAPI and select Add Authorization Server.

Create custom Okta authorization server

Enter the Name, Audience1, and Description for the authorization server.

Custom auth server form

Add an Access Policy

Now it is time to add an access policy to the new authorization server.

In the overview of the new authorization server, select Access Policies followed by Add New Access Policy.

Add a new access policy

Enter the Name, the Description and assign a client. In this example, the policy is assigned to all clients.

Configure the ACP

Once you're done, select Create Policy.

Add an Access Policy Rule

After the new policy is created, it is time to add a new rule to the policy. In a rule, you define the access permissions.

Select Add rule in the access policy overview.

Add a new rule

Enter a Rule Name and select Create rule.


This example uses the default rule configuration. You may want to adjust that for your production environment.

Configure the rule


As the last part of the custom authorization server configuration, you will add a custom claim for groups. In Traefik Hub, every user must be a member of a user group. These groups are used to configure API access and rate limiting.

Browse to SecurityAPI choose the new authorization server, select Claims, choose Add Claim and provide the requested information.

NameName of the claim needed by Traefik Hub.groups
Include in token typeSelect Access Token for(OAuth 2.0). For ID tokens, in the second dropdown, choose Always.Access Token and Always
Value typeChoose whether the values defined in the claim use a Group filter or an Expression written using the Okta Expression Language..*
Disable claimCheck this option to temporarily disable the claim for testing or debugging.Empty
Include inSpecify whether the claim is valid for any scope, or select the scopes for which it’s valid.Any Scope

Add custom claim

Configure custom claim

Create an Application Integration

After you created and configured the custom authorization server, it's now time to create an Okta application.

In the Okta admin panel, go to → Applications -→ Applications and select Create App Integration.

Create integration

Select the following settings:

  • Sign-in method: OIDC
  • Application type: Native Application

and Select Next.

Create integration configuration

In the following step, you will configure the new app integration.

Select the following settings:

  • Grant type: Resource Owner Password
  • Assignments (Controlled access): Allow everyone in your organization to access

and select Save.

Configure the new app integration

Congratulations, OKta is now ready to issue JWTs.

Test the Configuration

Use curl to generate a JWT and validate it against your Okta instance.

Okta Authorization Server Documentation

Please refer to the Okta OpenID Connect & OAuth documentation to learn more about the Okta authorization settings used below.

The following example uses the password grant type as a validation method.

curl -L -s -X POST 'https://$your-okta-org/oauth2/${authorizationServerId}/v1/token' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode '[email protected]' \
--data-urlencode 'password=$your-secure-password' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=$your-client-id'


  1. The recipients that the tokens are intended for. This becomes the audience claim in an access token. Currently, Okta supports only one audience. See the official Okta documentation.